There are a LOT of trails around our HOUSE.
SW likes to go hide on the trails and then I have to SEEK!
She thinks she is so smart, but I can FIND her all the time.
Today, she made it even harder.
She ran out the front, around the SHED, back down the driveway,
over another trail I had never been on and hid in some trees.
TC let me out the door and said, "FIND!"
So I did! TC thought she went up the hill, but I knew better.
My NOSE said she was somewhere else.
I put it down to the ground and followed...!
I almost gave up, but then I got the smell just right and I started running...
Then there she was!!
She started laughing and clapping and calling me, "GOOD GIRL!!"
So, I knew I had done a GOOD JOB!
I like playing you HIDE and I SEEK!