30 January 2012

Running Naked...

Look, Ma, no leash!

Today, SW & TC took me to a wonderful place called Clam Beach.  There I got to run and run and run...!  I chased the BALL.  I got to play in some tall grass I had never seen before.

Did I mention I got to run and run and run...?

SW took lots of pictures and even made a movie!  I hope you like it!  

Oh, and tomorrow I am 9 weeks old.  Can you believe I've been with SW & TC for two whole weeks..?!?  I bet they can't believe it either.  I am going to sleep now cause I am very, very tired.  I'll probably dream of water and clam shells and running...!

26 January 2012

A Walk on the Sand...

Today SW took me for a ride in the JEEP.  I haven't been in the JEEP before.  The last time I went for a RIDE it was in the Big Red Truck (BRT.)  I didn't know where we were going, but SW helped me climb in and had a nice warm towel for me to sit on.  Where were we going...?

She took me to the BEACH!  I like the beach.  It's not muddy.  It's flat.  And, I can run and run and run and run.  Plus there's lots of interesting things for me to sniff and try to eat.  SW keeps me going.  She doesn't like it when I pick up fun smelly things... like seaweed... and feathers... but they smell so good.

In return, I try to keep her walking in a straight line by grabbing at her pants and pulling her in the right direction.  I don't know why I do it, but I do... maybe it's just something I'm born with...

Anyway, we had fun at the beach.  I was so tired, I slept most of the way home on my nice warm towel.  I can't wait to go again!

24 January 2012

8 Weeks and Growing

Here is my official 8 weeks' old portrait...

And, here I am trying to jump down off the log in the middle of the photo shoot... this diva wants to go back inside...

Bully With a Twist

I don't know what this thing is, but I like it!

 I am learning that it is not nice to bite on certain things... like the black fuzzy cat (BFC) or SW's sleeve when her arm is in it.  Everytime I start to bite on something, SW puts this in my mouth...

 It's fun to chew...

It's fun to play with...

I like biting on things, but I like biting on this more...

Nom... Nom... Nom...!

21 January 2012

Herd is the Word...

It's been an interesting couple of days, and I have been slowly learning the routine of my new family.  For some reason SW and TC have been cheering every time I go outside to pee or poo.  I don't find it that exciting, but they seem to be happy when I do it outside, so that makes me happy too!

We have been going on long walks every day in the rain.  It's been wet and slippery and sometimes I am not quite sure I want to go down the path, but I do my best and follow SW and TC where they lead me.  A couple of times SW has had to carry me because the path was too slippery or scary, but we made it through ok, and we always make it back home safely.

Today, though, we did something really fun!  There's these big noisy birds... bigger than I have ever seen before.  And they are LOUD!  They scared me at first because whenever they see SW or TC they come running toward them.  Today, though, SW was taking me for a walk, and we stopped and watched them.  I got real excited, SW made me SIT.

The birds walked past us then SW called my name and pulled on my leash.  I was confused at first but then SW ran, so I ran, then she said, "Go, get 'em!"

"GET 'EM... Yes!!"

We chased those birds round and round in the front yard and then on the side.  Sometimes I got so excited I forgot to listen to SW, but she would pull up on the leash and say, "SIT."  It was hard to do because I really wanted to get those birds, and run and chase them, but I listened to SW.  Then, we would wait and start all over again.  I learned that when she said,  "SIT" it meant wait by her, and just when I thought I couldn't stand it any more she would say, "Get 'em!"

When we were finished it was hard to see the birds walk off, but SW pulled me back toward the house.  I had so much fun I fell asleep almost as soon as we got in the door... Herding is FUN!!

18 January 2012

Coming Home...

My name is Dixie, and this is my story...

I was born on November 29th;  the last of 7 brothers and sisters!  Wow, what a family I came into...!  You can see me at the top of the picture here on the day we were born.

Here I am at just a couple of days' old along with my two sisters.  We grew up so fast...!

When I was 4 weeks' old, I met my new family members.  They came to meet me for the first time, and that's when I learned my name... Dixie!  They only stayed for a short time, but I got to learn their scent.  Before they left, they came to say good-bye, and I was so excited to see them again after my nap that I jumped over 2 of my siblings to get to where they were clapping for me that I beat everyone else to them.

Then they left... but they promised to be back...!

And... today they did!  My brothers and sisters all sat around waiting to see who was going to their new home, and it was me!  I remembered my new family members by their scent... there is Soft and Warm (SW) and Tall and Cool (TC).  SW wrapped me in a soft cloth that smelled of my family, and we went to the big red truck.  I'd ridden in a truck before, so I knew we were doing something fun.

This time, though the trip was much longer.  Suddenly, I started to wonder how much longer we were going to go, and I started to feel my mom and siblings getting farther away.  I cried for a long time.  SW and TC let me cry, and SW just held me close.  Soon, I started to feel better, and so very tired so I fell asleep.

When I woke up, we were in a new place, going up a big hill.  Just like the drive where my family lives.  I got excited, but I think a part of the excitement was I needed to pee!  Were we getting there soon..?

We did, whew, and now I am getting settled in my new home.  I'll let you know tomorrow how my first night went... but, it's looking good so far.